Monday, 30 November 2009

Noica - Connecting people?

Citind un pasaj în care Noica era testat de către profesorul său, Nae Ionescu (alegînd într-un final să refuze principial a fi testat, pasînd acest lucru către Cioran) nu am putut a mă abţine să gîndesc "ce-ar spune prietenii mei despre această întîmplare?". Incidental îmi cunosc cît-de-cît prietenii şi cam ştiu care ar fi preferinţele lor.

În imaginaţia mea aceştia adoptă o poziţie destul de fermă, de-o parte sau de alta în funcţie de preferinţele şi loialităţile dinainte avute.

Şi aici intevine nemulţumirea mea.

Evident toţi avem preferinţe. De altfel fiecare om care ne intră în spectrul atenţiei va fi "judecat" şi etichetat ca fiindu-ne mai degrabă sim- sau antipatic. DAR... cu riscul de a mă înşela, eu afirm că (personal) găsesc imposibil a nu vedea lucrurile printr-o lupă care să fie cît mai puţin influenţată de emoţii sau afectivităţi personale. Eu nu reuşesc a spune despre cineva că "e de căcat"... deşi poate de cîte ori sunt în intimitatea propriilor gînduri rostesc fraza aia. Însă asta nu demonstrază nimic despre acea persoană.

Însă nu reuşesc a vedea niciunde această perspectivă.
A discuta despre o întîmplare fără a ne insera o parte a propriei opinii în discuţie; conştientizînd din start propria subiectivitate şi măcar încercînd a minimiza efectele ei.

Sunday, 29 November 2009


To convey one's mood
In seventeen syllables
Is very diffic-
by John Cooper Clarke

Friday, 27 November 2009

"the benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracised. insensitivity is standard"

It is sad that if you ask people "are you a _good person?" the answer's "yes"; if you ask them "why are you frequenting church?" they answer "to celebrate God and because i'm _good and want to be more like Him, cause that's the way to be _saved" and then go home and support _any war as long as their leaders say it _needs to be fought.

Means death, genocide, pain and decades of involution for the "turf".

Such spineless hypocryople i wish extinct.

Maybe it's because there's a campaign going on (thus making me really come more into contact with people, candidates and _opinions) that i felt i needed to relieve myself through music. I found a song i was listening to but never before heard. It's called The Idiots Are Taking Over and this guy on the piano sounds lovely whilst getting the message out. The composer of the song would be Fat and proud..

This fucking IS a blog entry encapsulating a message that should be promoted!

Sunday, 22 November 2009


Jo Caulfield is great and she just started a new show on BBC4 - Jo Caulfield won't shut up! 

The first episode, Jo on MySpace:

"You can find a lot about a person from the paper they read.
... if they read The Daily Star they can't read.
... if they read The Sun they can't read but wanna look down on Daily Star readers.
... and if they read The Daily Mail they can read, but don't really feel the need to think.
If you buy The Financial Times you work in the city.
If you steal The Financial Times you used to work in the city.
If you buy The Guardian you don't enjoy reading it but you want to know what to pretend to be outraged by.
If you buy The Daily Telegraph you wanted change for the parking meter and had to break a 5er.
If you buy The Daily Mail you're not interested in world events, you just want 6 sudoku puzzles.
And if you buy The Daily Express.. she's dead! Seriously, she's dead; there's no conspiracy, the car crashed, that's it, end of story - shut up!"

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Living is easy with eyes closed misunderstanding all you see

The Beatles are brilliant. They kick ass, are fucking hardcore, rock, are radical, the shiz-nit, smoke or whatever phrase you say when YOU are drunk/high and make a lame attempt at describing Sublime. Noone i think is in their tree.

Nothing is real
And nothing to get hung about

I never had a rush like the ones induced by them and I sometimes feel dying whilst listening would be dying at a climax of existence.

Because the world is round it turns me on
Because the world is round

They fucking ARE the walrus.

We were talking
About the love that's gone so cold
And the people
Who gain the world and lose their soul
They don't know
They can't see
Are you one of them

McCartney said when the band broke up Harrison had grown up to be at least at his and Lennon's level. This is the phrase that i thought about the most in the past years. And during all this time his guitar gently wept.

Turn off your mind, relax and float down stream,
Lay down all thought, surrender to the void,
That you may see the meaning of within
It is being, it is being

But listen to the colour of your dreams
Or play the game "Existence" to the end

Of the beginning, of the beginning

Why? Just Because.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Love and raffles; going hippie.

PunkTorrents is holding a Holiday Raffle to help fund the site's server costs. There are a lot of really cool prizes available to winners of the raffle including CDs, DVDs, vinyl, upload credit and a Grand Prize of $100USD!
The only thing is, we currently don't have enough ticket buyers. We understand that times are hard and not everyone has money to give away, and that's fine. Only buy a ticket if you can afford it. But think of it as buying something cool, because the winners get prizes! So, if you can, please buy some tickets for the raffle.

I always told myself i'd only look twice to people and sites that are into honesty and want the best for people.
I praised independent record companies, who tend to give out music cheaper or bands like The Clash who con their companies [twice] into giving more music to the public for the same amount of money.

I like a site made by the people, for the people and which sends me mails in which tell mer that "if i can" "please" buy some tickets.
I love a site that doesn't wanna con anyone and remembers to mention "Only buy a ticket if you can afford it".

I know.. it's not much. But it's something. Me luvs it.

Web anarchy bases itself on giving. Not for personal or material gain, but for receiving. You give your stuff and others reciprocate. In the end we all "have".

Monday, 16 November 2009

I think it's stupid and insensitive to have a character called Captain Hook in Peter Pan. We're defining him by his handicap.

That's like looking at Stephen Hawking and calling him Dr. Chair.

Ricky Gervais, 2004

Thursday, 12 November 2009

This could be anywhere This could be everywhere This could be anywhere This could be everywhere Anywhere Everywhere

Our software's installer was called "InstallShield" till recently when the "company think-tank" switched to another one.

This "other one" has some issues with Windows Service Packs. I really don't like that we have to pay special attention to Windows platforms because of incompatibility with an installer ironically called... "InstallAnywhere".

*dies laughing*

The United States have had their interest in discrediting Cuba over the last 60 years, as well as lying to their own people and presenting Castro's regime as a "national threat" and infiltrating CIA Intelligence into the country. (The conflict between the US and the USSR in Cuba is where we've been closest to a nuclear war - the Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, when a soviet general had received orders to open nuclear fire. It was HIS refusal to do so that made this blog entry possible)

The truth is  Cuba never posted a real threat to the US. As said, their reasons for the lie were different and they won't be further discussed now.
...But here's Noam Chomsky reminiscing something on Cuba:

The national security pretext [for the US] lost whatever shreds of credibility it might have had after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, though it was not until 1998 that US intelligence officially informed the country that Cuba no longer posed a threat to US national security. The Clinton administration, however, insisted that the military threat posed by Cuba be reduced to "negligible," but not completely removed. Even with this qualification, the intelligence assessment eliminated a danger that had been identified by the Mexican ambassador in 1961, when he rejected JFK's attempt to organize collective action against Cuba on the grounds that "if we publicly declare that Cuba is a threat to our security, forty million Mexicans will die laughing."

By the way, did anyone know that when it comes to foreign aid - medication and doctors - to be sent to conflict zones, Cuba is always among the first to provide such things? Not the US or EU, who usually either have some other interest in that conflict or will set up a committee to determine whether they should send anything. No. Cuba and other South American states are the best humanitarians.

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

best QED possible

I tried to learn more about "time-out" thus googling-it.

FAIL. One of the tabs about "preventing browser time-out" i tried opening couldn't be opened... on account the browser timed-out. Ya, thanks a lot, jackasses - i was hoping to see information ABOUT browser time-outs, not.. .browsers timing out. :))

it's what music does to you.

They were both a little stoned. Not five minutes earlier one of them had happily mentioned
Azazel:   Man, i'm having 360* vision!!!!
(The other one reached the kitchen and got himself a beer and simply thought he'd offer )
Philatanus:  ... Beer?
(To which the other one replies, without skipping a beat)
Azazel:   No, i'm driving.

Monday, 9 November 2009

Cei doi

se uitau lung la filmul porno care prezenta cum se foloseşte o păpuşă de plastic japoneză, de înaltă calitate.
- Pare tristă....
- Tu nu ai fi?!?          Să duci viaţa ei...

Best stats

I gave swedish top students a test; to pick the country with the highest mortality in each pair out of five pairs. They were right on average 1.8 out of 5. I was happy. It was obvious they needed my course and i had what to teach them.

But then i really realized my discovery.
I have shown that swedish top students know statistically less about the world than chimpanzees.

I also did a test with the professors there - you know, the ones who give out the Nobel Prizes - and they're on par with the chimpanzees there...

Out of 5
Swedish students           average   1.8
Chimpanzees                average   2.5 
Professors                 average   2.4             

Hans Rosling on TED 2006

Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Haha... gotta love my unconscious self.

For the past few days i've been singing to myself a song called "When?". I also wanted to write about it. Last night i remembered the two Blur songs previously posted because i still remembered the trance they sometimes enabled me to experience. I posted them instead, and when i had to pick out a title for the entry i was baffled but decided to go for a lyric from "Beetlebum". "And when she lets me slip away..." - why? Because it's a high-point of the song on this Wembley live, since the attendance is singing it. Not wanting to give it all away, i cropped it to something rather unintelligible, for which one would need to listen to the songs to understand - a thing i always do [hence lots of my entries are difficult reads and appear random - they're not]. The crop ended up "and when". I didn't notice this till today when i sat down to write something titled "When?".

*This is as funny as the previously mentioned album Suffer from Bad Religion. Two consecutive tracks are titled "What Can You Do?" and "Do What You Want". They also have different composers. Took me a while to realize...

and when

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

World Ocean got fingered

sandy: u know what?
sandy: i believe
sandy: i've found out what i need to get better
sandy: .. a sushi dinner!
sandy: some good ol'wasabi to break down my throat ache
sandy: and good fresh fish to make me happy
Johnny: dun kill the fishies!!
Johnny: just look at their faces!...
Johnny: no.. stop eating to look at their faces.
sandy: the thing about sushi
sandy: is
sandy: it makes fishies into tiny rectangular and colorful pieces

Monday, 2 November 2009

Copyright unfringement

In 1988, Bad Religion release Suffer, an album revolving around the phrase "The masses of humanity have always had to suffer"

2001, NOFX devise a tribute EP of 13 minutes in which the band only saw the music on the day of the recording. Tagline "The masses of humanity have always had to surf."

Now why don't anyone try and rip/mock/parody one of Britney Spears' covers? Lawsuit?...