Saturday, 9 February 2013

What is the smallest thing someone has said to instantly make you hate them?

Thread on the Internet, marking up those responses which would drive me nuts:

  • "I'm random, me"
  • my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!!
  • "Guess how old I am. Go on, guess!"
  • "My IQ is very high, about 160. I just don't assert myself."
    Cool story bro.
     (The "I'm not even trying" of academia) 
  • Some guy ahead of me on campus was minding his own business and walked past a group of frat boys, one of which yelled "faaaaag!" in his ear as he passed. The other two geniuses immediately cracked up like it was the height of comedy.

  •  "I do that all the time! I'm such a Capricorn!" 
  • That was totes amazeballs! eye twitch
  •  "We don't vaccinate our kids. It's bad for them."  
  • When people say a totally stupid/wrong thing in a "I know what I am talking about" attitude. 
  • "I hate reading, and it's a waste of time", said in a declaration of being proud to not own books.  
  • I usually see it on blogs. Whenever someone's like "I don't think I've ever met anyone weirder than me. Check out what it's like to live my life"
    As if it's the epitome of intrigue. I hate those motherfuckers.
  •  "Do you seriously believe we came from monkeys?"
  •  smiles So, gonna buy me a drink or what?" I hate those women who think I should buy drinks because they talk to me. Idiots
  • "I'll pray for you." Said in a condescending tone.
  •  "The earth is only 6000 years old." She... she graduated college and taught high school. If anyone says less than a billion, I walk away. It's okay if you don't know the exact number, but this is a special brand of stupid.
  •  All <blank> are <blank>. I hate people who generalize. They're all assholes.
  • "I would know"
  • "Speaking as a mother..." Then going on to talk about completely unrelated crap.
  •  I was on a second date with a female when I was in high school. I asked her what she did for money during the summer and she responded with "That's what daddies are for." So I straight up left and we never spoke again
  • "I have a boyfriend / husband", when I'm just trying to have a conversation and not hitting on her.  
  • "I'm bored." said often
  • While living in an expensive city, hearing people take their privileged living situations for granted will bring on some instant hate from me. I was at a friends dinner party (we're all 20 something and mostly have roommates) and one girl I didn't know (she was someone's girlfriend I think) was talking about moving and being worried that she wouldn't be able to find another doorman building she liked. In Manhattan! I'm sure she wasn't used to hanging out with people whose parents don't pay their rent for them, so I guess she forgot to censor herself.
  •  I hate when people say "I like to have fun." by way of self description.
  • "I could care less".
    Okay, care less than you already do you ignorant bastard.

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