Wednesday, 29 July 2015

- It's not black, it's African American.
- What is that all of a sudden, African American? The name keeps changing.
I can understand losing negro. But what's wrong with black?
- We're not all of the same colour.
- OK. I'm an Anglo-Saxon American. So, why can't you be a Nigerian American? Or a Ugandan American?
Why claim the whole continent?

Should I call myself a European American?
- You can call yourself anything you want.
- African American is too vague.Using then name of the entire continent, it's too general.

A guy from Antarctica. What does he call himself, an Antarctican American?

- First, no one from Antarctica was made a slave.
Second, the people of Antarctica didn't have their entire culture eradicated.
- What culture? They live on an ice cube!

I hate seeing someone get promoted because they're African American.
- I don't wanna be promoted because I'm an African American. I want the same chance as everyone else.
Because I work hard, do my job and because I am the best.

- You think people get things because they deserve them?
How many times have you watched the Oscars and said, "He's the Best Actor?" Or a killer, who you know deserves to fry, escapes the gas chamber because of some technicality.
Nothing's based on merit. The more you think you deserve, the less you get.
- If you actually believe that, how do you get out of bed every morning?
- One leg at a time.

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