Saturday, 11 July 2009

July 2009 volume 1.2.8c

For her sake I'll act compulsive and give a similar name to the entry.

You're one of the lucky ones. Not pressured from any direction, free to do as you please. If you feel like fuckin' the school you may simply quit and the parents won't mind. No one's stopping you from becoming a failed street performer... no one feels the need to compel you into striving for "success as a mask for greed", how Zinn put it. You're free to do whatever you wish with your life. You're lucky.

"Democracy" and "freedom" seem to be the main themes in today's societies, whether it's exercising them or striving for vain assurance that we're "free". Taking a closer look you see the vanity of it all. But that's too high profile. Let's just look at your life, Mik. What is there in your life?

Dream of liberty and equality; dream of individuality, think "all different, all equal". But it's hard, ain't it? Willingly or not, you're not part of a system capable of handling that. You're born in a 99.5% WHITE country with orthos-doxa christianity as a norm. When you see that coal-black guy on the street say what you want but you don't act just like you just saw a random guy. And that's "norm"-al, but it's also something to acknowledge. Different people intrigue you. Hope someday they won't.

What about the "norm", one that's blatantly susceptible of hatred towards all that is "different"?
Remember Said? "Whenever you hear our you wanna head for the exit."
Why the fuck do words like nationalism exist when our us is their them? How can one dare say "we" are better because we're the bosses here, when clearly "here" is just chance and there probably is a "there" [out there] where "our" people are oppressed by the bosses "there" - "they"!

Now tell me, anarchist - do you really love "people" or just the concept of "people"?

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