- The Universe is expanding. Well, the Universe is Everything and if it's expanding one day it'll break apart and that will be the end of Everything.
- What is that your business? (turns to another) He stopped doing his homework!!
- What's the point?
- What has the Universe got to do with it? You're here in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is not expanding!
- What is that your business? (turns to another) He stopped doing his homework!!
- What's the point?
- What has the Universe got to do with it? You're here in Brooklyn. Brooklyn is not expanding!
Annie Hall, 1977
Am cautat special data asta pentru ca e ziua mea de nastere. Si spre marea mea surprindere, post-ul s-a dovedit a fi interesant, intrucat sunt obsedata de univers si infinit:). Nice...o sa mai "rasfoiesc" pe aici.