Friday, 10 November 2017

ELI5 politics

Someone on Reddit put it best: If I give one person 10 apples and give nine other people 0 apples, I'm giving people one apple on average even though most people don't get any apples.

Then again, a better analogy might be I give one person 10,000 apples and take 5 apples each from 99 people. This means that the average person under my plan gets 95 apples. Why are 99 people complaining?

The best analogy I've seen is that the bedroom is starting to get pretty messy. So the Republicans say if you elect them, they'll clean it up. Once elected they just shove everything in the closet and under the bed and declare the room clean. Then the democrats get elected and have to pull everything out of the closet and from under the bed, and start trying to organize it so it can actually be cleaned up but the Republicans start screaming about how there is junk all over the floor and democrats made the mess and only Republicans can clean it up. Dems have only started actually cleaning it up when we rinse and repeat

Also, the amount of time it takes to shove everything in the closet is 100x less than how long it takes to take everything out and organize it, but both groups are given the same amount of time roughly to do the job.

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