Friday, 30 May 2014

Trecutul în culori

Astăzi mi-am amintit de "colorized images", imagini monocrom colorate manual. Există o groază pe net, care de care mai reuşite iar eu am strîns cîteva şi voi mai face una-două postări similare. Cu excepţia celei cu tatăl Annei Frank am evitat personalităţile... Acelea în setul 2.

Le-am pus (în mare) în ordine cronologică. Pe mine mă omoară copiii francezi din poza făcută în 1918 şi Lousiana Belle din 1937. Frumos şi cum în mijlocul setului din vremea unui război mondial apare un grup de fetiţe dansînd...

Pozele se pot mări cu un click.

Eureka Colorado (unknown date, late 1800s)

Entrance to the Ford Brady Magazine, Virginia

 Cab stand in Madison Square Park, New York, ca 1900

Moving blocks, Egypt, 5 March 1907

Doffer Boys, Georgia, USA, 1909

Newsies enjoying a well earned smoke break, 1910

Young man on automatic inline reciprocating pedestrian skates -1911

Titanic sinks on April 15, 1912. Newspaper boy Ned Parfett sells copies of the evening paper bearing news of the disaster.

Two survivors of the Battle of Gettysburg at the 50th anniversary reunion, July 1913

Bavarian grandfather and Prussian grandson displaying the old and new uniforms of the German army, 1st of February, 1913

Refugee Children - Grand Val, France, 1918.

"Girls deliver ice." September 16, 1918

Dancers of the National American Ballet, 20 August 1924

Filling Station: 1924, Washington, DC.

A novel car radio fitted to a Model T, made for the Potomac Electric Company. 1924, Washington D.C.

Nick Noir: 1924

Dorothea Lange, Resettlement Administration photographer, in California atop her 1934 ford model 40 woodie with her giant camera. February 1936

Born into Slavery, Bob Lemmons, by Dorothea Lange, 1936.

Children of Miners - Scott's Run - West Virginia, 19 March 1937.

Louisiana Belle, July 1937

Baltimore, 1938

Asleep on his feet, 1938

Dorothea Lange's Ghost Child c.1939

"Young migratory mother" - Dorothea Lange c.1940

Major James A. Ellison returns the salute of Mac Ross of Dayton, Ohio, as he passes down the line during the review of the very first class of Tuskegee cadets, 1941

World War II propaganda posters in Port Washington, New York, on July 8, 1942

Dance Group, Anacostia, D.C., July 1942

Girls Marksmanship Class, 1942

Humanity in War

I want to be just like the big boys when I grow up …… Washington 1943

Abandoned boy holding a stuffed toy animal. London 1945.

Little Rock, AR protest against the integration of 9 black students into a white school. 1959.

Otto Frank in the attic of the Secret Annex on the morning of the official opening of the Anne Frank House, May 3, 1960

"War is Hell", 1965

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