Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Iarăşi ajung spre The Streets, cu acelaşi sentiment că nici nu ştiu de unde să îi iau să ascult/prind tot ce trebuie. Eh, le luăm pe rând.

Dar căutând o imagine/descriere pentru un Facebook post (of all things, pentru că aşa se posteayă pe facebook - căutând jumătate de oră cuvintele, ce melodie ar trebui pusă etc.) am ajuns la un articol surprinyător Guardian - OMM's Top 50 Albums of the Decade 00-09.
Printre ele

The Streets - Original Pirate Material

Prima întrebare - de ce?

The two most important criteria for any self-respecting album-of-the-decade contender to meet are that it could not conceivably have been made in any other 10-year period, and that it should be impossible to imagine how that decade might have sounded without it. And the Streets' triumphantly down-home 2002 debut, Original Pirate Material, ticks these boxes for the first decade of the 21st century with the same winning flourish as Massive Attack's Blue Lines did for the 1990s. 

As large as the album looms over the British musical landscape of late 2009, its roots were to be found in the heyday of UK garage.
So as well as giving Skinner confidence, did the crossover success of UK garage also give him something to react against? "I've probably said it too many times now," he nods apologetically, "but that's where Original Pirate Material came from: all this stuff about get the girl and drink champagne on the dancefloor, it sounds nice to my ears, and I like that bass line, but sorry mate, I don't know what you're talking about.'"

Trebuie să citesc şi cartea lui Skinner; sper să nu fiu dezamăgit.

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