Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Is Philosophy Dead? -p1

Stephen Hawking said "Philosophy is dead"  [citation needed]

Matt Parker:
For a long time now in the play-out of subjects Physics and Biology have been beating out Religion - you know, taking his lunch money, wedging his holy underwear, that kind of thing. But Physics has gotten bored, wondered off and just slapped Philosophy. Stephen Hawking, tired of just giving reality burns to Religion, has decided Philosophy is fair game. Big mistake, Physics. Because behind Philosophy is his big cousin, Mathematics. Too few people realize that Mathematics is actually a subset of Philosophy. Both subjects start with a series of axioms and then work out what they can logically deduce through thought experiment. The only difference between Maths and Philosophy is that Maths is alarmingly useful.
Everything else is exactly the same, from the beards right through to the super social skills.

Because Physics, as we know, deals with contingent facts. They're facts that are true, but didn't have to be true. The speed of light is 300.000 km/s, but it didn't have to be so. Maths deals with necessary facts. Facts that are true and had no other choice but to be so. 7 is a prime number and there's no other option. This is why every couple hundred years Physics theories get overturned but Mathematical theorems don't. Thousands from years from now when you're going faster than the speed of light on your way to work you're still not going to pick up a newspaper that says "7 no longer a prime number. Now 8 is."

And Physics, frankly, if you start dissing Philosophy, you're effectively colliding hadrons with your own foot. You need Mathematical logic to express your ideas. Maths wouldn't notice the absence of Physics, but let's say Physics deal with a trial separation from Maths. You can't derive Maxwell's equations using interpretative dance! You can't refract and focus X-Rays using a densely written haiku! You can't program a computer using hilarious pictures of cats! ... Ok, I'll give you the last one.

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