Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Dinosaurs will die

Sit back watch it crumble,
See the drowning
Watch the fall
I feel just terrible about it - that’s sarcasm, let it burn
I’m gonna make at toast when it falls apart
I’m gonna raise my glass above my heart
Then someone shouts that’s what they get!
For all the years of hit and run for all the piss broke bands on VH1
Where did all their money go?
Don’t we all know
Parasitic music industry
As it destroys itself
We’ll show them how it’s supposed to be

Music written from devotion
Not ambition,
Not for fame.
Zero people are exploited - there are no tricks up our sleeve.
Were gonna fight against the mass appeal
Were gonna kill the seven record deal
Make records that have more then one good song!
The dinosaurs will slowly die and I do believe no one will cry
I’m just fucking glad I’m gonna be 
There to watch the fall
Prehistoric music industry 
Three feet in La Brea tar
Extinction never felt so good

If you think anyone will feel badly
You are sadly
The time has come for evolution fuck collusion kill the "five" [*]
What ever happened to the handshake whatever happened to deals no one would break
whatever happened to integrity
It’s still there it always was for playing music just because
A million reasons why all dinosaurs must (will) die

From Major to Minor (The Economist)

Matt Mason: The Pirate's Dilemma

[*] Huh... ştiam că pînă în 1998 grupul se numea "Big Six", 1998-2004 "Big Five" (Polygram absorbit de Universal) şi post- apariţia melodiei ăsteia "Big Four" (Sony unit cu BMG). Dar pînă acum 5 minute nu ştiam că post-2011 probabil vom vorbi de "Big Three", cu EMI absorbit de Universal. Vremuri grele.

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

I actually really like to meet people on tour, but there are tons of people that I don't wanna meet as well. Like people who look at me like I'm some kinda rock star. they just kinda stare in amazement and giggle. WHAT A DRAG. Either say something interesting or relevant or just funny. Or a pleasant," nice to meet you" is cool. Just don't act all weird. If you act weird I'll probably get the hell outta there. 
-- Fat Mike


Why Today is Better than Yesterday

(written by stuff you will hate)

(note: HXC = hardcore)

Reading my posts, especially the HXC History/Do U Remember ones, you could def. get the impression that I’m some kind of oldfag that sits around nostalgic about the past – but nothing could be further from the truth! (well, the old part is pretty right on…)

I actually really hate those kinds of people that clamor for the ‘old days’ – and I’m gonna tell you why *right now* is so much better than the old days ever were. This list below is completely irony free BTW.

Getting Into Music – it was actually fuckin’ hard back then! You usually needed a scumbag friend (someone’s older brother) that was a total pain in the ass to deal with (mine used to non-ironically steal my mom’s car), but usually had plenty of entry level punk and hardcore. If you didn’t have a scumbag, chances are you would have just listened to mainstream music. We also used to track down tunes we heard on skate vids/tape comps etc. Hard work!

Finding Music – we really used to have to travel to find punk/hxc music. For us it was to Boston (Newbury Comics specifically), which was a good hour away. There used to be complex tape trading/selling going on in fanzines – this sucked!

Finding Shows – sure, newspapers usually had ads for the bigger clubs, but the smaller shows were usually flyer only – so you had to go to shows all the time to get news of the next ones – fuckin’ exhausting!

Finding Info On Bands – I still remember ’87, standing in front of a wall of Black Flag tapes at Newbury Comics and having no idea what kind of order these things go in – sure I loved ‘Who’s Got The 10 1/2′ but what should I pick up next – nightmare! I just picked the one that had some songs I knew on it (Slip It In). Ugh – awful way to get music! You would honestly know nothing about bands unless you searched out hard-to-find fanzines and the like.

Transporting Music – we used to have to lug around these things called tapes back then, and man did they blow! Leave ‘em in a hot car and they warped. Step on ‘em and they cracked. The players would eat them. Fuckin’ awful format! Plus, you could honestly only have so many tapes on hand… I still have a few boxes of ‘em in the basement.

Chicks Not Into It – chicks at shows back then?!? No thanks! Not even ‘edgy’ chicks were into HXC back then – those that were were either scumbag’s girlfriends or just plain sour. I took an ‘alternative’ girl to a show once – she didn’t speak to me for a month after.

Overly optimistic artist rendition of typical '80s hxc chick
Scene Not So Great – There was no more ‘unity’ or ‘brotherhood’ back then than there is now – scene politics/who-knows-who ruled the day back then too – don’t let anyone tell you different.

Production Quality – most hardcore from ‘back then’ was recorded so shitty… I mean, that ‘Destroy the Ghost’ jam everyone was making fun of the other day sounded better than 90% of the revered NYHC stuff! I personally think it’s very cool that kids today can put out well recorded tunes on a small budget. Great stuff!

So srs – shit is so much better now! You can download a band’s complete discography in minutes and find out their complete history. You can quickly look up complete tour dates and get in touch with band members if you want to! You can carry thousands of songs around in a little device! Chicks are into bands like Winds of Plague/Asking Alexandria/We Came As Romans/etc! Who gives a shit if it’s not ‘tr00 hxc’ – close enough in my book! Honestly – I love all the stuff I just listed!! This makes *now* so awesome!

So please just keep these things in mind the next time some oldfag goes on about the ‘old days’ – and don’t end up like one of those people! Remember – the kids tomorrow will have it even better than you & you should be happy about it! Don’t start bitching in 15 years to kids that are streaming retro-dubcore from the cloud through their winter hats how “we had it tough back in the day… only 10,000 songs on a device!” I warn you ’cause I love you guys!


Tuesday, 21 August 2012

When the hills of Los Angeles are burning
Palm trees are candles in the murder wind
So many lives are on the breeze
Even the stars are ill at ease
If Los Angeles is burning

Milky Way as seen by abucuren & mmartin

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Find your Avalon

Niciodată nu am fost un om grăbit, un om "hands-on". Atunci când am ceva de făcut nu prea reuşesc să mă arunc în pîine din prima şi trebuie să recunosc că sunt uneori gelos pe cei care iau problema şi se apucă pur şi simplu de ea, urmând să vadă pe parcurs care e calea generală sau centrală de urmat.

Cum ar fi programatorii care odată încredinţaţi cu un proiect nou se trezesc scriind primele linii de cod/creînd proiectul din prima, fără nici o idee despre ce vor face mai departe. Până şi la lucru deplîng atitudinea de "ne apucăm de lucru" fără să prind vibe-ul existenţei unui arhitect de sistem.

Dar sunt oameni şi oameni. Stilul meu pur şi simplu implică relaxare - adeseori nici măcar gândit la problemă. Calea asta (care, dacă e să fiu drept, mă neliniştea şi îmi lăsa puternice nemulţumiri şi anxietăţi legate de o posibilă "lene cronică" cu care aş fi fost/m-aş fi binecuvîntat) mi-am asumat-o ca neffind neapărat indezirabilă odată cu nişte cuvinte ale lui B. Russell care povestea modul său de abordare a unei dileme lăsând-o să îi părăsească gîndurile. Adică o mesteca în fundal, sau cum îmi plăcea mie să spun - permiteam subconştientului meu să-mi dezvăluie gândurile şi sentimentele pe care le am faţă de problemă în timp.

Oameni diferiţi, abordări diferite. Diferit != greşit.

"Abraham Lincoln spunea că dacă ar avea opt ore pentru a tăia un copac, ar petrece cel mai mult din acest timp ascuţindu-şi toporul. Nu deveni tăietorul de lemne prea grăbit să-şi ascută toporul." -- I.D. Yalom.