Wednesday, 8 February 2012

"Who won the weekend?"

Yes, the one solid and immediate piece of hard data anyone gets is the totals of who earned what between Friday and Sunday. Whatever was #1 at the box office "won," everything else "lost," and someone gets to put "I produced a #1 movie!" on their resume. Gee, how could that go wrong?

As you can imagine, weekend totals can be incredibly deceptive: They ignore how much a film cost, along with being a poor indicator of how it will fare long-term. Most horror films, for example, open high but sink like a stone the next week. More troublingly, it means that certain audiences effectively don't matter. Generally, only two types of moviegoers care about opening night: hardcore movie-geeks and non-discriminating folks who'll see whatever's at the right time on date night. Other audiences see things during the week, or at matinees, but since all anyone cares about is the weekend, the input of those audiences is ignored unless one of their movies becomes a phenomenon - as in the inexplicable popularity of My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

So, what ends up getting made? For the most part, actioners and genre pictures (for the geeks) dumbed down for the "whatever's playing" crowd. Recipe. For. Disaster.

-Bob Chipman, "Why Movies Suck Now" - Part Two

Why Movies Suck Now Part One: The Myths 
Myth #1: It's About Politics
Myth #2: Blame It On Teenage Boys
Myth #3: Hollywood Is Out Of Ideas 

Why Movies Suck Now Part Two: The Reality 
Reason #1: People Only Care About Friday 
Reason #2: Mainstream Audiences Are Idiots
Reason #3: Movie Geeks Are Elitist, Spoiled Brats 
Reason #4: Theaters Get Screwed 
Reason #5: Nature Abhors a Vacuum 
Reason #6: Because They've Always Sucked

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