Wednesday, 5 August 2009

In a nutshell - The Flag FAQ

Q: If you could describe anarchism in a single paragraph, what would you say?

This question was proposed on December 2, 2003, and added on December 18, 2003. Anarchism is the maximization of human freedom. It does not mean chaos; rather, it is the abolition of rulers, and with them the government, hierarchy, and coercion that they carry. In its simplest sense, Anarchism is equality of power. Every individual is his or her own person, and no person may exert his or her will over another, save in self-defense. For, to do so would be to coerce - something that Anarchists are inherently against. In this way, Anarchism manages to create a collective community while at the same time respecting the sanctity of the individual. When you see or hear about Anarchists on the television, radio, or other forms of media, you are witnessing a global struggle for the abolition of all impediments to liberty; Anarchy does not mean "out of control." Rather, it means "out of their control," with "them" being the rulers, the plutocrats, the theocrats, the democrats, the aristocrats, and any other governing body.

Anonymous wrote:

I guess my question then is this: If people don't feel oppressed or particularly unhappy with things, why do they need a massive revolution? Why fix, or rather clean rip out of the wall and throw in the street, what most people simply don't feel is broken to begin with?

g2 wrote:

indeed you are right - even if people can be shown definitive proof that their lavish lifestyles come at the cost of misery and death for billions, they just don't care.

an interesting thing, this lack of care, though. what happens when people don't give a fuck is that extremely evil people with issues take power - it's easy when no one cares.

these extremely evil people don't really care if you are oppressed or not, as long as they are on top of the heap.

and recently these people have been doing some things which are going to result in changes in your lavish lifestyle. for one thing, they have stopped releasing the value of M3 - the total number of dollars that exist in the universe. M3 had been growing at a rate of 20% per year - now it is at an UNKNOWN rate.

as any basic understanding of economics will tell you, when there are more dollars, each individual dollar is worth a lesser percentage of the whole. without a corresponding growth in the economy, the extra dollars have no where to go, resulting in inflation. the government intervenes (heavily) to curb inflation, which means the economic pressure just builds.

in other words, your dollar is about to collapse in waves of hyperinflation and hyperdeflation. almost everything you buy comes from other countries. when your dollar isn't worth anything... you WILL be contemplating radical changes.

of course, it's most likely that you'll just join the local aryan militia or perhaps the local 'democrats against crime' vigilante group rather than consider anarchism, but *yawn* we'll be here just in case.

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