Monday, 22 June 2009

I found these on a BBC4 radio show; the magnificent group of

- Hi, we're "Ginger and Black", because.... 

This is called "Hopes, Dreams and Aspirations":


"We're a bit like Jesus, but not as commercial"

(Eri Jackson and Daniel Taylor)

Friday, 19 June 2009

Lucid Dreams

- [...] M-am apucat să ascult ultimul album, pentru concert.
- Cînd e concertul?
- La începutul lui iulie. Da-i cam aiurea *arătătorul zvîcneşte spre cartea lui Vlăduţiu, faţa se schimonoseşte* - în 7 am concert cu el!!!

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Episodul doi: noaptea pe uliţă.

Poate avem fiecare magazinul nostru cu prejudecăţi... 

După ce am presupus că vînzătoarele nu pot citi "paprika", am dat de substituentul lor nocturn. Să fie faptul că l-am văzut bătând la calculator 6.0 + 5.0 şi - surprinzător - i-a dat 11.0, să fie faţa de pierde-vară (care totuşi prinde în acest anotimp)... cert e că de oricîte ori merg acolo subconştientul îmi transmite să am grijă ce cumpăr, pentru a nu îl stresa pe Jimmy. Să fie o sumă rotundă, dacă se poate cu puţini termeni. 

- Bă, am impresia că ăsta e student.
- Aşa-i??
- Da mă, o fi la o universitate privată, ceva.
- Sau chiar la Poli - de ce nu? În anul întîi.
- :)) Tot în anul întîi, nu?
- Perpetuu.
O fi un perpetuum mobile al nepromovării anului întîi.

Redevenind serioşi... de ce s-ar chinui cineva să bată şi .0 la calculator? E cumva o problemă comună la adunarea numerelor reale cu cele întregi la calculatoarele de buzunar ieftine? Oare Casio-urile sunt mai serioase??

Iar într-o notă şi mai serioasă... e grav că nu scap de aiste preconcepţii. Da' nu mor.

Monday, 15 June 2009

There are all kinds of errors in music today besides grammar and arithmetic ones, such as in the American novelty rap record "Baby Got Back".

The error in that song is a journalistic one and it's buried in the story; the main line of it is "I like big butts and I cannot lie" and the whole song then fixates itself on the rather tedious announcement that he liked big butts but ignores the more interesting psychological fact that he cannot lie!

James Sherwood

Monday, 8 June 2009


reflectam: "Piatra n-are nici o incertitudine, nici o nevoie de a se exprima şi este veşnică, trăieşte mii de ani. Eu, în schimb, nu sunt decît un fenomen trecător, care se mistuie în toate emoţiile posibile, ca o flacără ce izbucneşte rapid, ca apoi să se stingă. " Eu eram suma emoţiilor mele şi un Altul în mine era piatra atemporală, nepieritoare.
(C. G. Jung)

Human being *fail*

As I was in the store waiting to buy some paprika chips I couldn't help but glance over to the ugly gypsy girl serving the people ahead of me. Suddenly anxiety hits me as I'm thinking "oh, no, how will I explain to her which bag of chips is paprika?", as if she couldn't read.

Sunday, 7 June 2009

- Look, I'll talk to the board. I'm so great at changing people's minds! ... My best friend in college thought he was gay, but i totally convinced him that he was into women. After that he had tons of girlfriends!... until senior year, when he hung himself.
- Why is it that so many of your stories end with "and then he hung himself"?

Monday, 1 June 2009

The Development of Moral Reasoning

The cathegorical imperative: Act in such a way that the maxim of your action be instituted as a universal law of nature. (I.K.)
Another form of it is "Man is never merely a means to an end, but always an end onto himself."

On the assumption that we could not even have morality unless we had authonomy (the freedom to choose one course of action over another) - in order to preserve myself as a moral being, I must be sure that others will not use me as a tool or an instrument or else my actions are not the free actions of a moral being, rather they are the mechanical actions of a kind of device.
So anyone that would use another as a tool or an instrument is (in principle) denying that very authonomy on which morality itself depends.

The wrongfullness of slavery on this account is grounded into the fact that to enslave another is to eliminate the very possibility of a moral life. So whatever you might say about an institution like slavery, you couldn't say that it's morally right. The very maxim that would warrant slavery or would justify slavery virtually eliminates the cathegories of right and wrong.