Saturday, 30 May 2009


Bei: you know
Bei: once i had a dog
Bei: my mother gave it to the carpenters for them to own
Bei: a few moments later
Bei: we see them eating him :|
Bei: i was horrified
Bei: they eateded him!
Bei: carpenters :-j

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Same in the end

El: Ai văzut că îi un vânzător nou la chioșc? Unu' care pare retardat...

Alt el: =)) Mă pregăteam să zic "te referi la ăla retardat?"

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Love is on the bed/ Every day and every night

I haven't noticed it before, but it appears i've entered another romantic relationship. And it's the most important one for me. It's always been there in my life, i just haven't been able to wrap myself around it - officially.

-I noticed that for the past two weeks i've been sharing a single bed with a speaker. 

I have to move the fuck out of here. Think i'll take my love as well...

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

-You lot! -What? -Don't stop! Give it all you got!

But anyway; lunch bells ring
Take one hour and do your thanng!
"- Cheeesboiger!"
What do we have for entertainment?
Cops kickin' gypsies on the pavement
Don't you ever stop long enough to start?


A car in the fridge
Or a fridge in the car?
Like cowboys do - in T.V. land!

Don't you ever stop long enough to start?

You're frettin', you're sweatin'
But did you notice you ain't gettin'?

Plato the greek or Rin Tin Tin
Who's more famous to the billion millions?

Monday, 18 May 2009

B.F. Skinner.

This should prove interesting...

So, you have a pigeon and a cage. Skinner proved you may easily train the pigeon to peck a  specific number of times in order to get food/ (aka reinforcement).

He started off by delivering a reinforcer per peck. Later on, tried delivering a reinforcer every other peck. He noticed that pretty soon the pigeon would only peck in groups of two. The same happens if you change the schedule to three pecks etc. This is called a partial reinforcement FR3 - fixed ratio 3 and so on. Skinner also managed to get high FRs, such as FR20, FR50. 

A more interesting schedule of reinforcement is the VR - variable ratio: The animal is started off on continuous reinforcement for a while (~FR1). After that you build a schedule with a slightly bigger FR value and do this till you get to ~FR15, FR20.

You now move to a VR2. VR2 means every second response gets reinforcement, but you never know trial to trial which response will. That's determined randomly. You now stretch out the VR2 to a VR5, VR10, VR20.

Virtually for the rest of that animal's life (even if he doesn't receive reinforcement at all) it will peck ad infinitum. Skinner refers to behavior shaped that way as gambling behavior

Friday, 15 May 2009

Eediots with no future. *

 * There's no future, no future,
No future for you

(Sex Pistols, God Save The Queen)

I was thinking about the gsp scam. Their campaign ran 'send us 11 coupons from our paper and we'll give you the chance of winning $1.000.000'. Actually, they lied saying it's a sure thing someone would win that prize. Doesn't matter...

Fact. There were 171 people that entered the final draw. One of them was the "winner", which means he'd be invited to pick up one envelope out of 125. 124 of them offered $3.000 as a prize, the other one $1.000.000. 

Odds: Assuming the 11 coupons anyone could find and send (not true), ... you'd still have to be THAT 1/171-th guy who picks up THAT 1/125-th winning envelope. That gives us odds of 1/171*1/125 - that's somewhere around 0.004%.  

I was thinking. Odds were better if upon sending those 11 coupons you'd be invited and a guy told you "I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100 - guess it!" and if you guessed right he'd tell you "Once more - number between 1 and 100; guess it!" and again you'b be able to guess the number.  Those odds (highly improbable - obviously) would still be more than double their odds: 0.01%

This is precious.

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Demetri Martin

“I went into a clothes store and a lady came up to me and said “if you need anything, I’m Jill”. I’ve never met anyone with a conditional identity before.” 

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Jeni e tare.

Friday, 8 May 2009

Am furat un bec.

Ridică suav paharul de Pepsi şi se uită oarecum afectat.

- Incredibil ce puţini oameni din Africa au folosit Meebo ultimele 15 minute!

- Mă aşteptam să-mi spui că s-o descoperit o nouă pată pe Soare, în pula mea -care chiar s-o descoperit, între noi fie vorba; am citit azi-  [...]

S-a ars becul.

Fat el: Ia uite, că s-o ars becul mi-o crescut semnalul cu o liniuţă.
El: Da, fix! Chiar recent am citit despre pericolul existent în ştiinţele empirice din cauza concluziilor trase greşit, pe baza unor asocieri ampulea. S-a ars becul, deci EVIDENT el îţi împiedica telefonul să funcţioneze la potenţial maxim.
Fat el: "Ştiinţele empirice" zise el =))
El: Da... cred că ar putea fi numit şi sindromul "unde dai şi unde crapă".
El: Sau in cazul ăsta "ce crapă şi unde îţi dai cu părerea".

Thursday, 7 May 2009

episode two

Her: do you know what yoko means in filipino context?
Him: yoko is creepy
Her: "ayoko" = "i don't like"
Him: touché  :))
Her: and then after that it's ONO
Her: YOKO! Oh no!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Wisdom shall come out of the mouths of babes and sucklings
But you blinded by cultural ignorance and steady judging
But judge not, lest ye may be judged
For the judgment ye judge ye shall surely be judged, you gets no love

(KRS-One, Free Mumia, 1995)

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Fain să stai în casa uneia Mariana....

Mima de azi mi-a rămas la inimă; 

Al doilea 'c' din Coca-Cola.

Ocna din Ocna-Mureş.

Sula lui Rocco Siffredi.

Autobuzul din "Bangbus".


"Princess Sophia" din "How to lose a guy in 10 days".

- Groapa Marianei.
- E "groapa Marianelor", tăntălăule.
- Da, ştiu!