Asta e cea mai tristă veste pe care am primit-o de cîţiva ani. Aveam săpunul, am luat frînghia. Noroc că ştiu şefii să facă noduri.
Nu era we live together, we die together?
A story is told of a student who asked his mentor, "Professor, what is science?" The professor paused and finally answered, "Science is looking for a black cat in a dark room." Momentarily satisfied, the student began to turn away, but then another question came to him. "Professor," he asked, "what is philosophy?" The academic furrowed his brow and after some thought replied, "Philosophy is looking for a black cat i a dark room where there is no cat." Once again the student, satisfied that his question was answered, took leave of his mentor, only to return to ask one further question: "Professor, what is psychoanalysis?" "Psychoanalysis," the professor responded after a moment of deep contemplation, "is looking for a black cat in a dark room where there is no black cat - and fiding one anyway."
(from Handbook of Personality - O. John, R. Robins, L. Pervin)
El: colegele tale sunt toate niste bizde!
Ea: a, da
El: pai vezi? atunci de ce negai?
Ea: da, adik negam
El: păi pe fereastra mea negai că negai apoi afirmai că negai
El: deci afirmai
Ea: negam că negam chestii diferite de cele pe care afirmam ca le negam
by Countee Cullen
Once riding in old Baltimore,
Heart-filled, head-filled with glee,
I saw a Baltimorean
Keep looking straight at me.
Now I was eight and very small,
And he was no whit bigger,
And so I smiled, but he poked out
His tongue, and called me, "Nigger,"
I saw the whole of Baltimore
From May until December;
Of all the things that happened there
That's all that I remember.
Regret că nu te-am cunoscut mai bine... Vei rămîne în amintirea mea ca "păpuşa" care îmi făcea portretul. Însă nu vei şti şi cît te-am apreciat.
Zi infectă ceea în care îmi cumpăr costum.
Know your rights - all three of them
Number 1 - You have the right not to be killed/ Murder is a crime!/ Unless it was done by a/ Policeman or aristocrat
And number 2 - You have the right to food money/ Providing of course you/ Don't mind a little/ Investigation, humiliation/ And if you cross your fingers/ Rehabilitation
Know these rights
Number 3
You have the right to free
Speech as long as you're not
Dumb enough to actually try it.
It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them. (Mark Twain)
"[...] This is no less than a clash of civilizations. The perhaps irrational, but surely historic receptions, of an ancient rival against our - (whenever you hear the word our you wanna head for the exit)* - Judeo-Christian heritage, our secular present, and the world-wide expansion of both, it is crucially important that we, on our side should not be provoked [...] "
* Edward Saïd commenting on Bernard Lewis' 1990 article 'The roots of muslim rage'
Best observation in a long time.
ne time, when I was around 10 I went home from school, went in the backyard and my father was there and he said "Well, Ralph, what did you learn in school today? Did you learn how to believe or did you learn how to think?"
Ralph Nader
date the Y Generation individuals to be born between 1976 and 2003, which describe them as voracious consumers of electronic media (e-generation) projected to spend 23 years of their life online (1/3 of their lives!)
(cică Wikipedia - Cameron, G. T., Wilcox, D. L., Reber, B. H., & Shin, J. (2008). Public relations today: Managing competition and conflict.)
Smile. I'm helping you do your time.
starting just about September 12th, we get all this hype saying: "Fight back!! Show they can't keep America down! Fight terrorism!! Go shopping!"
Jello Biafra, 2002
On the western front, a French ambulance driver wrote to his son:
"Do you ever think of your daddy walking day and night over plowed fields and getting very used to shells exploding all over the place? I'd really like to hear from you. How's school? Don't be too quick to learn the geography of Europe. I think it's all about to change."
(BBC's The First World War, 2003)