Wednesday, 28 October 2009

17 bonuri * 8.72 lei

Cu 17 îmi pare că e cel mai urît să înmulţeşti un număr oarecare.

De ce 7, de ce nu e acolo un 8, 9, 3? ... Hmmm, ... cred că fluxul gîndirii merge~= înmulţirile se fac prim adunări-scăderi repetate. Dacă înmulţeşti ceva cu 15, îl înmulţeşti de fapt cu 10 şi aduni jumătatea acestui număr. Voila.
Cu 16 e de fapt un "cu 15" + numărul original. De fapt orice *6 în mintea mea de fapt e înmulţit cu 10, înjumătăţit şi apoi se adaugă numărul iniţial. Elementar.
*19 e similar lui *16. Doar că înmulţeşti cu 10, dublezi şi scazi numărul iniţial. Trei operaţii simple în locul uneia mai complexă.
*18 e şi el similar, deoarece în loc să scazi numărul iniţial din *20  scazi dublul său.

Ei; acum dacă mi-e uşor să aflu *20 (*10, dublat) şi mi-e uşor să aflu *15 (*10, împărţit la 2, adunare între cele două) ... deja e limpede de observat de ce *17 e mai dificil decît *18, deşi *17 e la fel de depărtat de *15 cum e *18 de *20.

Diferenţa între ele e diferenţa între  (*10, dublat) şi  (*10, împărţit la 2, adunare între cele două). Mental e ceva mai dificil de rezolvat a doua.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

"Young and Lovely" (Live at the Camden Electric Ballroom, Fan club single 05 - B-Sides Gig, 1999)

"you keep surprising me with your...surprising...surprises. you practically should be called menstral period.


holy schmo, where was i?"

Wednesday, 21 October 2009

nothing. nothing@all

Foarte frumos să auzi un "Senior Programmer" spunînd "coadă de maimuţă, din-aia".

Sau nu.

Monday, 19 October 2009

Unbind my feet

Rain. Smile. This.

Lord, unchain my hands
Let me sing inside the crowded trams

The why.

Why remind yourself and others of evil things and hatred, why babble along how bad things are or were?
(~Why do comedians sometimes go too far with morbid jokes?)
Why mention crimes, genocide, sad truths when your actual focus is where you draw your happiness from and what you personally concentrate on - on the beauty of life? You even believe the lame-sounding line of "seeing the good in people".

Awareness. It's not cause you cry and victimize yourself by showing what a bad and "dog-eat-dog" world this is.

I believe in finding out about the ugliness of the world not as an excuse for possible failure in one's life [aka whining] - but for a greater good of seeing what happened and avoiding allowing it to happen again with ignorance.

What the hell does it all mean anyhow? Nothing. Zero. Zilch.
Nothing comes to anything, and yet there's no shortage of idiots to babble.
Everybody's happy to talk, full of misinformation. Morality, science, religion, politics, sports, love. Your portfolio, your children, health. Christ. If I have to eat nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day to live, and... I don't even want to live. I hate goddamn fruits and vegetables.
And with it all, the day still comes when they put you in a box and it's on to the next generation of idiots who'll also tell you all about life and define for you what's appropriate.
[Woody Allen's Whatever Works, 2009]

^ I hear a single thing from that, as i nod away in agreement - "don't be a part of the next generation of idiots who tell people all about life and define for them what's appropriate"

Sunday, 18 October 2009


How do you stop it when actually talking/listening to people one starts feeling like maybe your thoughts of general well-being are pointless?

Seeing egocentrism's starting to poison me.

I think these 3 are related.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Dansăm (să nu aştepţi nimic)

DarthSidious (2:09:06 PM): Fuck globe for makn fun of me,i sent a l0nger onee!
Jimmy (2:09:36 PM): longer what?
Jimmy (2:09:45 PM): i think you're speaking in the wrong window
Jimmy (2:09:54 PM): or dividing messages between 2 windows
Jimmy (2:09:58 PM): or...are drunk
DarthSidious (2:10:03 PM): Brb im walkin to the train and im drunk,textng isnt a great idea

Monday, 12 October 2009

Give in

The world is narcoleptic
The world is hallucinogenic
The world is soporific
The world is hypnotic.
The world has me breathing slower and heavier, gasping for air.

I find my mouth open.
My view clouds. Senses shut down.
I can only hear.

But not the world.

Light drugs are a conscious and voluntary loss of grip on reality.
This is not.