To say have is kind of an European fetish. Most other languages in the world have some other way of dealing with have when using neutral sentences.
(John McWhorter)
To say have is kind of an European fetish. Most other languages in the world have some other way of dealing with have when using neutral sentences.
(John McWhorter)
Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr concluded that ordinary people were hardly capable of understanding the world or drawing reasonable conclusions without being subjected to a set of what he called "necessary illusions" - what we'd call "propaganda". Constructed by the intellectual elites. The system for managing this has turned out to be the mass-media.
(intro to the 1988 Massey Lectures)
But while we instinctively shrink from a writer's adulation, we lend a ready ear to detraction and spite, because flattery involves the shameful imputation of servility, whereas malignity wears the false appearance of honesty.(Tacitus, The Histories)
La San Francisco - cutremure, la New York - negri fără adăpost, la Glasgow - greve. La Bucureşti au înflorit salcîmii.
Let me say something about the first point, the label... the label one has. Yeah, to be called an atheist it's a negative view, and it suggests that one is a sort of professional atheist... you spend your life arguing against God, the way Russell did. And I think that's a rather undignified and pointless procedure. Once you've decided there isn't a god, there's not much point in inveighing against it, unless you think that huge harm is done by the belief in God. But you don't... nobody spends their time trying to prove to others that the Greek gods don't exist. You know, you just decide that they don't, and that's the end of the story for you.
So I like to distinguish atheism from antitheism. Antitheism is opposition to theism.Colin McGinn
Nu înţeleg... nu m-am născut în secolul care trebuie?