A story is told of a student who asked his mentor, "Professor, what is science?" The professor paused and finally answered, "Science is looking for a black cat in a dark room." Momentarily satisfied, the student began to turn away, but then another question came to him. "Professor," he asked, "what is philosophy?" The academic furrowed his brow and after some thought replied, "Philosophy is looking for a black cat i a dark room where there is no cat." Once again the student, satisfied that his question was answered, took leave of his mentor, only to return to ask one further question: "Professor, what is psychoanalysis?" "Psychoanalysis," the professor responded after a moment of deep contemplation, "is looking for a black cat in a dark room where there is no black cat - and fiding one anyway."
(from Handbook of Personality - O. John, R. Robins, L. Pervin)